Disney Presents 19th Century Social Realism
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We at Flixwise believe that it is important that we concern ourselves with whether a film’s reputation is earned or simply accepted as common wisdom. That it is important to care enough about the art of filmmaking to pause and reflect on even the most common or woeful of motion pictures. And really, what’s more woeful than being given the boot from “The Happiest Place on Earth?” With that in mind, we ever so humbly present a Flixwise Favorites face-off featuring two films that have long been relegated to the Disney Corporation deep-freeze. On today’s show, the all-but-forgotten 1988 Disney Animated Film, Oliver and Company (Scribner), squares off against the film that rang the death knell of the Disney Renaissance, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Trousdale and Wise, 1996), to determine which movie is the most deserving of a spot on the Flixwise Favorites list.
To weigh on which film is the more worthy selection, Lady P is joined by two of her fellow UW-Madison graduate students. Taking the Oliver side is Matt St. John who contends that Dodger (voiced by Billy Joel) remains one of the coolest, most aspirational, figures in the Disney pantheon. Then, on the Hunchback side is Disney scholar, and fellow podcaster, Tim Brayton, who steps the listeners through the historical significance of both films but remains squarely on the side of Hunchback as the true masterpiece. Listen up to hear Lady P’s verdict as to which picture deserves “some more” love.
For more of Tim’s insights and dulcet tones check out his podcast here: Alternate Ending
*Editor’s note – in the podcast Lady P makes mention of it being Pride Month. That’s in part because this episode was recorded in June, but also because here at Flixwise (the actual happiest place on earth) every month is Pride Month.
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