We Only Do Ears
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On today’s show, NYC film critics, Caroline Golum and Matt Prigge, of Blue Velvet fame make their glorious return to Flixwise. In their previous appearance they discussed David Lynch’s 1986 neo-noir, and so we thought it would be appropriate to stick with the freshman dorm-room milieu and talk about the other 69th film on the Sight and Sound Critics’ poll, Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner (1982). They join host, Lady P (as well as Lady P’s new school chum and fellow adventurer in grad school, Lilly Holman) in pondering the various philosophical elements of Scott’s cinematic universe, and admiring the seamless fusion of several disparate genre film styles into the production design.
From there, the panel starts making baseless predictions about the quality of the forthcoming Blade Runner sequel: Blade Runner 2049, which then leads to a discussion about the greatest sequels of all time. Lilly makes a stand for the Toy Story franchise as being the greatest of all time due to it’s narrative coherence. Whereas Matt and Caroline mount a case for why “renegade sequels” aka sequels where the filmmakers make drastic divergences from the style or themes of the original work are the ones most worth watching.
Finally, they close things out with some Final Notes of Positivity:
Here’s Lilly’s
Here’s Matt’s
Here’s Caroline’s
Here’s Lady P’s
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