It’s Not The Length, It’s How You Shoot It
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Buckle up, things are about to get slow. Lady P welcome Monique “Momo” Morgan in her Flixwise debut, and Flixwise co-producer Martin Kessler, to talk about the second Kenji Mizoguchi entry on the Sight and Sound list, Sansho The Bailiff. They navigate its murky waters in discussing its themes, symbols, and moral quandaries, the role of women in the film, and Mizoguchi’s filmmaking technique.
For our second topic we take a long look at long takes. Our panelists discuss different types of long takes and their varying effects. Plus, they figure out exactly how long a take needs to be to achieve ‘long take’ status, and then try to list their top five favorites (Birdman doesn’t make an appearance, we promise).
Finally, here are the Final Notes:
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