Best of TV: Binging on Jane and Juice
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Our 2016 wrap-up continues with a special bonus episode on the best television shows of the year. Lady P is joined once again by Martin Kessler, Kristen Sales, and special call-in guest Marya E. Gates, to discuss their top 5 television shows and moments that stood out among the din. They cover the good (the CW and FX rocked it last year), the bad (The Cleveland baseball team is called WHAT?!), the strange (Atlanta – the Twin Peaks of the south!), and the all-too-familiar (Stranger Things). Let us know if we missed anything.
And make sure to check out our previous year-end overview – the best movies of 2016 podcast.
I don’t understand how no one watched Aquarius on NBC in 2016. It had a great S1 in 2015, and It was a great historical fiction 60s cop drama with an amazing ensemble. NBC just didn’t promote this season at all, they kept moving the day and time slot it was on, took it off the air for a month because of the Olympics, and then they cancelled it after two seasons. It’s really a shame no one got the chance to enjoy it. Season 1 is on Netflix/Amazon/iTunes, and S2 is on Amazon/iTunes. It’s still being shopped around by the creator, John McNamara (creator of the very successful SyFy show The Magicians). Maybe if enough people watch it on Netflix/Amazon/iTunes then it can get a season 3. I have started a petition for S3 of Aquarius here We also host a rewatch/live tweet of the show every Monday on Twitter at 9:30pm EST. Use #SaveAquarius to join us. We’d love to get more fans of this very underrated and mistreated show.