All About Bette Davis… and Her Co-Stars
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Ladies and gentleman, Flixwise has officially completed its review of the Top 50 of Sight and Sound’s Greatest Films of All Time. It’s been a long time coming and we can think of no better way to mark the occasion than by having a Bette Davis podcast marathon… because every occasion should be cause to celebrate the fiercest queen in Hollywood history.
Curiously, there weren’t any Bette Davis movies on the Top 50 list. And curiouser still, there doesn’t appear to be any Davis in the remaining 200. Fortunately, the Flixwise gang is here to correct this egregious error.
On today’s show, we’re kicking of our ‘All About Bette’ series with the film that many consider the pinnacle of her acting career: All About Eve (1950). Flixwise regular, Kristen Sales, tells listeners why she thinks All About Eve is one of the greatest films of all time. She’ll have to convince host, Lady P, and fellow regular, Anne Marie Kelly, that Joseph Mankiewicz’s celebration of “the theataar” and all of its backstage bickering is worthy of the Flixwise Favorites List.
Expect heaps of praise for Davis, George Sanders, Anne Baxter, and Thelma Ritter. Plus, an explanation for that weird scene with Eve and her roommate(?).
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